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Safe and Inspirational Learning Spaces at Maplewood Richmond Heights


With district enrollment growing by over 60% in 15 years, the Maplewood Richmond Heights School District is facing larger cohorts heading to the Middle School and High School, a shared facility that had last been renovated when class sizes were much smaller. In addition, security concerns are being addressed at all campuses. As the result of a successful bond issue, with over 80% of voters approving Proposition E, Ittner Cordogan Clark led the community through several months of planning to develop short-term and long-term plans.

Ittner chaired the Long-Range Facilities Task Force, which was formed to inform the facilities assessment and space needs assessment. A Safety Committee assisted in identifying security strategies appropriate for students, staff, and the community. A two-phase Master Plan was developed for the Middle School and High School, addressing space and curriculum needs for the next 10 years. The Assessment and Master Plan became the basis for a bond referendum to fund the construction of new classrooms, create safer entry points in all buildings, make cafeteria improvements, replace windows and repair roofs, add a gym, update restrooms, repair fields, and playgrounds, add perimeter fencing, and make other upgrades designed to maintain safe and inspirational learning spaces for years to come.


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